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Upcoming Events

To view any upcoming events hosted or being run in partnership with the law society, follow the link below. We aim to offer a variety of events on and off campus to allow you to make connections with like-minded people and those in the legal profession.

Law Society Merchandise

If you are a member of the Royal Holloway Law Society and would like to purchase one of our official hoodies or sweatshirts on offer, follow the link below!

The Law Society isn't just for law students

Our Law Society aims to help you find your way in the world of law, with the help of our dedicated committee members and our wide range of legal-themed events. It doesn't matter if you're a law student or not everyone is welcome!

We would also like to mention that we are proudly sponsored by Studypool! Studypool is the largest online tutoring platform and so far they have helped over 1.4 million students in their studies! Click the link below to find out more!

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